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We hope you enjoy exploring our site to learn more about irises and The Iris Society of Australia.
Scroll down to see what's here, or use the menu along the top. We have jammed so much iris information on to this site you'll have to use the "more" button from the top menu to see all the menu items, or scroll down this page to see the sub sections.
This site includes information on types of iris, what will grow in your area, how to divide your irises, how to make your own iris crosses (hybridising), anatomy of an iris flower and plant, iris terms and abbreviations, and more! The site will be updated regularly so check back often to see what's new.
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The Iris Society of Australia (TISA) is the umbrella organisation for the regional iris societies in Australia. We are dedicated to promoting the growth and hybridisation of irises in Australia, including:
Assisting in the registration of new cultivars (via American Iris Society);
Coordination of national trial gardens and awards, including the Australian Dykes and ISA Medals;
Production of a yearbook;
Standardise the regulations for the training of judges, by production of a comprehensive judges' handbook;
Coordination of a biennial National Iris Convention.