Please support our advertisers, they support us. The Iris Society of Australia does not take responsibility for the validity of the information provided by growers and presence of a grower on this list does not constitute an endorsement by The Iris Society of Australia. Information is provided here to inform the public as to where they might source iris plants. Iris rhizomes are usually posted after flowering before Christmas or in Autumn - please note that some states and territories have restrictions.
Many growers hold open gardens during bloom season (Spring) and may welcome visitors, either by appointment or on open garden dates. Visiting these growers is strictly by prior arrangement.
Advertising on this site
Members of a regional iris society may apply to advertise their garden or business on this page.
The cost is $50 - special introductory rate for 2023 - 30/6/2024. Listings will be provided strictly in the format as shown below. Members wishing to advertise must have an ABN.
Advertisements will be shown in alphabetical order.
*The Iris Society of Australia reserves the right to refuse/withdraw any advertisement.

Rainbow Irises & Garden Nursery
Address: 31 Stanhope Rd, Rushworth, VIC 3162
Contact: Christine Mills
Phone: 0408 132 755
Email: rainbowirisesgardennursery@gmail.com
Posting: Vic, NSW, QLD, SA
Visitors: Welcome on Thursdays 10.30am - 3pm or by appointment
Featuring: Bearded iris, water iris, dutch iris
Riverina Iris Farm
Address: 13 Sycamore Road, Lake Albert (Wagga Wagga), NSW 2650
Contact: Annette tenBroeke
Phone: 0432 777 142
Email: annette.tenbroeke@bigpond.com
Posting: Australia wide *Conditions apply for WA, TAS and NT.
Visitors: Welcome daily from 14th to 29th October 10am - 4pm or by appointment.
Featuring: Bearded iris and water iris

Roots 'n' Leaves
Address: 506 Angle Rd, Sutherlands, SA
Contact: Colin and Nerina Kirkman
Phone: 0429 826 390
Email: colinkirkman@westnet.com.au
Posting to: Australia wide
Visitors: From second weekend in October, or by appointment
Featuring: Bearded iris
Smokin Heights
Address: 69 Dennett Rd, Kapunda, SA 5373
Contact: Mel or Bailey Schiller
Phone: 0417 879 293 or 0477 547 188
Email: smokinheightsiris@hotmail.com
Posting to: Vic, NSW, SA, Tas, ACT, WA and QLD
Visitors: Welcome every weekend in October 10am - 4pm, or by appointment. Buses and large groups welcome by appointment.
Featuring: Bearded iris